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dfx upgrade

Use the dfx upgrade command to upgrade the SDK components running on your local computer. This command checks the version of the SDK that you have currently installed against the latest publicly-available version specified in the manifest.json file. If an older version of the SDK is detected locally, the dfx upgrade command automatically fetches the latest version from the CDN.

Basic usage

dfx upgrade [flag] [option]


You can use the following option with the dfx upgrade command.

--current-version <version>Specifies the version you want to identify as the current version. This option enables you to override the version of the software currently identified as the latest version with the version you pass on the command-line.


You can upgrade the version of the SDK that you have currently installed by running the following command:

dfx upgrade

This command checks the version of dfx you have currently installed and the latest version available published on the SDK website in a manifest file. If a newer version of dfx is available, the command automatically downloads and installs the latest version.

Current version: 0.6.8
Fetching manifest \
Already up to date