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dfx replica

Use the dfx replica command to start a local canister execution environment (without a web server). This command enables you to deploy canisters locally and to test your dapps during development.

By default, all local dfx projects will use a single shared local canister execution environment, and you can run dfx replica from any directory. See Local Server Configuration and Project-Specific Local Networks for exceptions.

Basic usage

dfx replica [option] [flag]


You can use the following optional flags with the dfx replica command.

--emulatorStarts the IC reference emulator rather than the replica.
--enable-bitcoinEnables bitcoin integration.
--enable-canister-httpEnables canister HTTP requests. (deprecated: now enabled by default)


You can use the following option with the dfx replica command.

--port portSpecifies the port the local canister execution environment should listen to.
--bitcoin-node host:portSpecifies the address of a bitcoind node. Implies --enable-bitcoin.


You can start the local canister execution environment by running the following command:

dfx replica