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quill list-proposals

Queries for a list of pending proposals.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for running quill list-proposals commands is:

quill list-proposals [option]


--dry-runWill display the query, but not send it.
-h, --helpDisplays usage information.
-y, --yesSkips confirmation and sends the message directly.


--limit <LIMIT>Only displays <LIMIT> proposals.


The quill list-proposals command is used to list the most recent NNS proposals. For example, to fetch the most recent 5 proposals:

quill list-proposals --limit 5

This will produce a response like:

record {
proposal_info = vec {

where <info> is data in the same structure found in quill get-proposal-info.


As this is a query call, it cannot be executed on an air-gapped machine, but does not require access to your keys.

For more information about proposals, see Proposals.