Optimize a Rust program
Compiling Rust to WebAssembly often increases the file size significantly. The DFINITY Rust CDK includes a helper library—ic-cdk-optimizer
—that you can use to reduce the size of Rust-based canisters before deploying them on the Internet Computer blockchain mainnet.
Before you begin
Before you optimize your program, verify the following:
You have an internet connection and access to a shell terminal on your local macOS or Linux computer.
You have downloaded and installed the Rust programming language and Cargo as described in the Rust installation instructions for your operating system.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
The Rust tool chain must be at version 1.46.0, or later.
You have downloaded and installed the DFINITY Canister Software Development Kit (SDK) package as described in Installing the SDK.
You have
installed. For example, use Homebrew with the following command:brew install cmake
For instructions on how to install Homebrew, see the Homebrew Documentation.
You have successfully compiled your dapp to a WebAssembly module (WASM) and deployed it on the local canister execution environment.
Install and run the optimizer
To optimize a canister that resulted from compiling a Rust dapp:
Check that you are still in root directory for your project directory, if needed.
Install the
crate, if you have not previously installed it, by running the following command:cargo install ic-cdk-optimizer
This package optimizes your Rust code to reduce the size of the WebAssembly output to ensure your dapp can be uploaded to the Internet Computer blockchain mainnet as a canister.
Create a release directory within the
directory for your program by running a command similar to the following:mkdir -p src/rust-canister/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/
Optimize the code within the
directory by running a command similar to the following:ic-cdk-optimizer target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/_rust_canister_.wasm -o target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/_rust_canister_-opt.wasm